Heute wollen wir mit Dov Charney beginnen, einem Mann, der als kanadischer Einwanderer nach Kalifornien kam und dort American Apparel gründete- das ebenso provokante wie politisch korrekte und weltweit erfolgreiche Casual-Unternehmen.
Was haltet Ihr von American Apparel?
Today and in the next few saturdays we will introduce you to the men, who decide how most people look like, because they determine how we dress. Now we want to start with Dov Charney, a man, who came as a Canadian immigrant to California and founded American Apparel- the equally provocative as well as politically correct and successful global company. American Apparel is probably the brand, that had in the recent years the biggest influence on the street fashion. It all started with simple T-shirts and Internet shipping, now there are about 170 stores in 20 countries. How do you think about American Apparel?
H,C&Y :>
ich liebe american apparel
AntwortenLöschenworum geht's denn nächsten samstag
morgen stelln wir euch den ceo von levi's vor...